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5 Powerful Ways to Spread Positivity Everywhere You Go

If you’ve never seen the film Patch Adams starring Robin Williams, it’s worth checking out.

It’s based on the true story of a man who, at the outset, has admitted himself to a psychiatric institution for depression. After helping his roommate overcome a fear of squirrels and use the bathroom, Patch discovers his life’s purpose: to help others.

With a transformed outlook, Patch decommits and enrolls in medical school to pursue an M.D. There, he frequently butts heads with the school’s no-nonsense dean, who view’s Patch’s “laughter and kindness are the best medicine” approach to caring for patients as making a mockery of tradition. By the end of the film, Patch has triumphed over the establishment and won the hearts of many of his peers, launching a nonprofit hospital where people can access free medical care.

Through Patch’s heartwarming interactions with patients, acquaintances and even complete strangers, we are reminded that joy and positivity are contagious. Despite how separate we often feel as humans, we have the power through our attitudes and actions to affect those around us. Why not use that power to make the world a better place?

In the spirit of Patch Adams—and in honor of the power we all have to touch the lives of all those we meet—let’s talk about five ways to spread joy and positivity everywhere you go, that you can practice every day.

  1. Smile more frequently. A smile might be the only thing more contagious than a yawn. Just try it: Go up to a random stranger and give them an ear-to-ear grin; you’re almost guaranteed to get one right back. When you smile, it triggers the release of endorphins that can boost your mood and reduce stress. It’s a universal social cue that symbolizes emotions like joy, peace and friendship. By consciously reminding yourself to smile more every day, you’ll lift your own spirits and cause a chain reaction that brightens the day for everyone you meet. Simply put, if people made more of an effort to smile, the world would be a better place.  
  2. Engage in random acts of kindness. Think back to the last time someone did something nice for you out of the blue; something that made you feel considered, or appreciated—or simply valued as a human being. Even having the door held open for you has a way of making you feel good. Challenge yourself each day to do those small-yet-powerful things that can brighten someone’s day. They don’t have to be time-consuming or difficult. Just thoughtful. We spend so much time thinking about ourselves after all; maybe we can challenge ourselves for even five or 10 minutes to focus on what we can do for others in our bubble. Try it and see what happens!
  3. Ask questions and be an active listener. It’s simple human nature to enjoy talking about ourselves. When someone asks us our thoughts, or how we’re feeling (when they mean it sincerely) or our opinion on an issue, it subconsciously feels great. It makes us feel appreciated and like we matter—even in a world of eight billion people. If you want to make someone’s day, one of the best things you can do is to take a genuine interest in them. Ask questions and really listen to what they have to say. Then don’t be surprised when that person turns around and wants to learn about you, too.
  4. Practice patience. A wise person once said that you should never be quick to pass judgment on someone who is rude to you: You never know what they’re going through at that moment. This is a great reminder to practice patience with the people around us. Even if they are just being rude—or bad drivers, inconsiderate neighbors or what have you—displaying patience has a way of stopping negativity in its tracks. If someone lets the elevator close on you, but you hold it for the next person, you’ve turned negative ripples into something positive. Patience gives us the power to spread positivity wherever we go.  
  5. Adopt a positive mindset. It’s crazy how much our attitudes and behaviors can shape the responses of the people around us. Think of that coworker who never complains about a project and is always eager to help; somehow, they seem to make everything run smoother for the team. Compare that to the coworker who has something negative to say every time they’re asked to work hard. Choosing to adopt (and display!) a positive outlook is one of the most powerful things we can do to influence our environment and positively impact our family, friends and social acquaintances. Make an effort to practice positivity, and others will thank you for it.

Spreading positivity is an act of power that each of us holds. Just like Patch Adams, we can all influence our surroundings and touch the lives of others through our attitudes and actions. By consciously choosing to smile more, engage in random acts of kindness, practice active listening, show patience and adopt a positive mindset, we can create ripples of joy and positivity that can transform the world around us.

Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to leave a positive impact. It's not about grand gestures but the small, consistent acts of kindness and positivity that can truly make a difference. You have the power to light up someone's day and, in turn, inspire them to do the same for others.